Since the release of FIFA 11 on PC, the development team has been hard at work taking in all your feedback and has now prepared an update for the game. Click the link below to get the file.DOWNLOAD FIFA 11 PATCH 1.01: CLICK HEREThe download brings a number of enhancements for the game, and will improve the following:
Fifa 11 Patch 1.01 Crack Download
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La aproximativ o luna de la aparitia jocului, cei de la EA Sports au lansat astazi patch-ul 1.01 pentru varianta PC a Fifa 11. O buna parte din problemele semnalate de comunitate au fost rezolvate, printre ele amintim erori ce duc la iesirea din joc dupa un meci amical sau dupa un meci din Manager Mode, probleme legate de afisarea incorecta a unor echipe in clasamentele din Manager Mode, precum si o serie de probleme legate de jocul online. 2ff7e9595c